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Is There A Short Term Solution To Building Six Pack Abs?

By Howe Russ

With everybody looking for quick fix solutions to their fitness goals, it's no surprise that one of Youtube's most searched queries last month was how to get a six pack in 3 minutes each day. Silly as it may sound, however, this is entirely possible to do providing you lay down some solid ground rules first.

Should women lift weights? Which supplements should you use? What exercises are best to tone your abs? These are three of the most asked questions in gyms around the world and, despite the ever-growing scientific advancements we make in the health and fitness industry they just won't go away. The fact is, however, they are very easily answered when you get down to the facts...

When it comes to your abdominal muscles the key thing to remember here is that they are on an area of your body which is primarily used to store body fat. Therefore it does not really matter whether you perform 1000 or 2000 crunches per day, if you don't work on lowering your body fat you can kiss goodbye to seeing those results anytime soon. Have you ever heard the saying 'Abs are built in the kitchen, not in the gym'? It is true.

Developing your midsection becomes a whole lot easier when you get those two things in place first. Rather than doing endless sit-ups, you'll be amazed at what you can achieve in very little time.

So, when you are ready to tone and strengthen those core muscles what should you do?

There are countless abdominal exercises which could be used here, but we'll give you an example. High intensity plays an integral role in this. If you plan to keep your workouts short and sweet then you need to realize you're going to have to push yourself hard in the limited time you have available.

By combining three core moves into a short but very intense circuit you'll be able to enjoy fantastic results in a fraction of the time it usually takes. High intensity is the key, so spend around 30 seconds on one exercise before transitioning to the next with no rest in between. Two rounds of this type of circuit would take three minutes in total.
Learn the facts on how to get a six pack in 3 minutes with this gym program.

When it comes to exercises here you can get a little bit creative and build something which you really enjoy performing. If you want a quick example, however, we recommend using Mountain Climbers, Crunches and the Plank.

Obviously, you can tailor your individual session to suit your own needs and tastes here but the main point to remember is that high intensity is key to overall success. Also, if you focus on primarily body weight movements you'll open up opportunities to get a workout into even the busiest of days as no gym will be necessary.

So the next time you hear somebody at your local gym wondering should women use weights, or trying to get through the hype on the latest supplement, remember today's post where you discovered how to get a six pack in 3 minutes each day. While the fitness industry can be confusing for many people, the facts are easy to understand when you clear away all of the hype and confusion.

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