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Immune System Superfoods That Your Body Needs to Stay Healthy

By Wilfredo Menotti

In order to have good health, you need to have a strong immune system. Naturally, this is pretty common knowledge. This is the reason so many people take care of their bodies and avoid germs. You keep your hands clean. You keep hand sanitizers handy to use when it isn't convenient to wash up with soap and water. You have a whole collection of supplements you take religiously every day and, when a friend or co-worker is ill, you keep your distance. What if the key to keeping your immune system healthy could be as simple as making sure that you ate some immune system 'superfoods'? Which foods are considered superfoods? We'll give you information on three superfoods that you should add to your diet that will keep your immune system strong.

Almonds are a great superfood for the immune system and they are overlooked by many people. For one thing, they contain a good amount of magnesium. Magnesium is a very important nutrient that plays a big role in strengthening your cells. Magnesium also plays an important role in strengthening your immune system. Almonds are readily available and aren't hard to find. Also, they're a delight to eat. Health food stores, super markets, and roadside stands are all good places to buy almonds. My favorite way to eat almonds is to spice them up with garlic and hot sauce and then bake them in the oven until they're nice and crisp. They also make great almond cookies. Chop some up and add them to your oatmeal or any cereal. They're great in granola or muesli. I keep bowls of plain almonds around my house and grab a handful from time to time. They're good raw. Tea is a wonderful superfood and, in order to experience optimum health and super-charge your immune system, you need to drink tea every single day. A lot of information has been written about the necessity of drinking sufficient quantities of pure water in order to maintain your health. Your T cells need interferon to maintain their optimum health. Scientific test have concluded that if you drink 20 ounces of tea each and every day, your level of interferon will increase. The interferon encapsulates your T cells to keep them safe when the germs and bacteria that are trying to get you sick start to attack. Any tea you drink can help with this, but there are other benefits, as well, if you drink an herbal tea.

Another herb that is a great immune-booster is Echinacea. While this might not necessarily be a 'superfood' it really can help you give your immune system a little 'oomph.' At the onset of cold or flu symptoms, a lot of people take Echinacea as a matter of course. If you find a plant, don't chew on any parts of it. Just about every part of the Echinacea plant is used in the supplements you can buy at your health food store. But this is not an edible plant. Eating raw Echinacea is not a good idea because it can upset your system by causing nausea and bloating.

In order to boost your immune system, there are many steps you can take.

Try to fit exercise into your schedule at least three days a week. It's recommended that the amount of water you drink is calculated like this: divide your weight in half and then consume that number of ounces each day. For instance, if you weight 100 pounds, you would want to drink at least 50 ounces of pure water daily. Get rid of junk food in your life and eat a balanced, nutritious diet of healthy foods. And, when you need a boost to your immune system, keep a list of immune-strengthening superfoods handy. This article has barely scratched the surface of superfoods you can use to boost your immune system. Do some research and you will discover more.

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