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Do you think that these are the best solutions for your problem?

The Triple Threat

By Cliff Walsh

Most people love a good meal overflowing with sugar, salt, and fat. What's not to like? It turns out, a lot. Each ingredient on its own is no picnic for your health, but together it is an experiment that could change your brain. Researchers believe that the three unhealthy ingredients foster the creation of dopamine, which in turn, drives the desire for more of said ingredients. Cravings relate to addiction.

The food industry has done its homework. These companies know we each have a bliss point, the spot that triggers the maximum amount of addiction in our brains. They've spent significant time and effort to learn how to hit the bliss target. Although food that accomplishes this satisfied us in the short-term, it also triggers mindless eating. While these companies benefit financially from this, our health certainly does not.

There is a fair amount of research on the subject. One particular study was very interesting to me. Rodents were fed meals with substantial amounts of fat, sugar, and sodium. Researchers found not only that the rodents' reward centers were activated, but that when healthier meals were reintroduced, the rodents appeared to suffer from withdrawal, which highlights the addictive nature of such food ingredients.

The decision to eat sugar, fat, and sodium consistently causes many problems. Certainly, health conditions like diabetes, heart disease, and obesity are major risks of such unhealthy eating. What's more, the combination of these ingredients can impact the brain to such a degree that one can become conditioned to unconsciously eat too much. Another factor that doesn't help the situation is that sugar and salt carry the capability to extend the shelf life of certain products, making these unhealthy foods readily available. Hopefully, this sheds some light on the massive increase in overweight adults in our country.

The food companies, with the help of their advertising agencies, are more than happy to help condition us as well. I'm sure you've heard the term "comfort food" before. It's emotional eating. Have Grandma's apple pie and you'll feel better. Advertisers are paid millions of dollars if they can successfully tie subconscious emotions to products. Doing this with food and alcohol appears to be pretty easy to do. You never see a fast food commercial with an obese person scarfing down a value meal and every beer is cracked open at a standing-room only party with wall to wall models.

Although food companies do not set out to make us fat and unhealthy, it is an unfortunate byproduct of them trying to sell more products to us. It is up to us to be aware of the forces that be and take steps to keep from overindulging. The best option is to avoid having unhealthy, processed foods in the house. It also pays to be prepared when you go out. Take healthy snacks like fruits, vegetables, and nuts out with you. Sweet fruit, in particular, can also help solve sugar cravings. There's a reason why it's called "nature's dessert". Give it a try.

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