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Do you think that these are the best solutions for your problem?

Blue Green Algae Supplements Support Better Health

By Sally Delacruz

When high levels of nutrients, adequate sunshine and the right temperatures prevail, a murky, pervasive, substance may develop in certain bodies of water. Called an algal bloom, this phenomenon is actually a microscopic population explosion. Most varieties of this organism are not normally eaten by humans, and a few can actually be harmful. Some edible species have become the source of blue green algae supplements, a popular dietary addition.

Biologically speaking, these are unusual creatures. Because of their bright green color, people assume that they belong to the plant kingdom, but correct classification is not that simple. While they definitely possess plant-like characteristics, other properties are predominantly bacterial in function and physiology. These organisms have adapted over the ages to nearly every environment and temperature range.

Some salt-water species already provide agar for both industrial and commercial food production. Fresh-water species may sport their namesake cyan blue pigmentation, which is a result of internal photosynthesis, or the method plants use to process energy from the sun. Commercially grown varieties are transformed from pond scum to powders or tablets, and have been declared one of the most promising ways to end world malnutrition.

The designation as super-food may be hyperbole, but it is true that this product family has created a new market. Klamath Lake in southern Oregon is one of the best farming locations due to the local climatic conditions and a lack of pollution. Most commercial growers harvest types of Spirulina, which contains the highest levels of nutrients and can be controlled relatively easily.

Understanding consumer excitement about these products is not difficult. The same biological process that gives these organisms their bright colors also helps increase the amount of healthy vegetable protein, while creating high levels of beta-carotene. The amounts of amino acids, minerals, and vitamins are comparatively high, and the substance is known to possess antioxidant properties. These positive factors have generated numerous health claims.

Although difficult to prove scientifically, enthusiasts recommend it as a way to ease anxiety and depression, an aid for losing excess weight, and a palliative for certain female health complications. It is said to reduce inflammation, suppress certain oral cancers, and boost flagging immune systems. Some recommend taking it for chronic fatigue, or to combat the effects of hyperactivity-attention disorder (ADHD).

Algae derivatives undoubtedly have provided real advantages for users, but there has been considerable past controversy and issues of legality regarding some assertions. While using this dietary addition to treat or influence specific conditions is neither harmful nor toxic, any realistic and beneficial medical outcome attributed to taking these products is subjective, differing from person to person.

While neither a medicine nor a drug, this food can be used in pill form, dissolved in water or juice, or sprinkled as a powder. There is little or no danger of over-dosing, although daily use is not recommended for pregnant women. Those who do partake regularly say that the substance increases emotional well-being and daily energy, improves physical functions overall, and imparts a feeling of robust health.

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