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Do you think that these are the best solutions for your problem?

People Are Turning To Dental Appliances For Sleep Apnea

By Krystal Branch

Sleep apnea is a common disorder which most people don't even know they have. Most of you do realize that you snore or have a partner who snores. Snoring can often be a sign that one has this problem. Luckily there are various dental appliances for sleep apnea.

It is a scary consideration that most of us might have severe apnea and not even be aware of it. Surely though when you wake up in the mornings and you don't feel refreshed something is wrong. Or you even if you wake yourself and your partner up several times a night and might not even remember it; this should be a clue that you need to be checked for a sleeping disorder.

If you feel tired, lethargic or moody, and always seem to have a headache, this may be the time to visit a specialized clinic to check whether you have this issue. This is true especially if you snore. You might be overweight and perhaps you smoke or drink. These are all traits which encourage this problem to occur.

Once you have been diagnosed with this issue, there are a number of remedies which you could try. Firstly, you could change your sleeping position, and rest on your side instead of your back, use a special pillow if it helps your head stay in the optimal breathing position. When you sleep on your back, your airways are more likely to be restricted.

If you choose to attain your appliance from a professional dental technician who specializes in these disorders, they will first create a plaster mold of your bite, and then custom make the device in a specialized laboratory. This device should be more comfortable and uniquely suited to your mouth and jaw. The appliance can be adjusted and slightly modified to achieve maximum ease of wear, and comfort.

This type of oral appliance uses a technique to keep the airways clear of any obstruction such as the tongue, to help ease breathing. This obstructions occurs when the tissues collapse and draw closer together, which blocks the inflow of air during rest. The oral appliance can either drop the jaw slightly or keep the tongue out of the way to correct this problem.

All of the mouth guards may look very different, but that is because each one is molded uniquely for its owner. A gentler case of this issue can definitely be treated with this type of management; however, breathing pressure devices such as a type of nose clip or surgery may also be suggested. This depends on the severity of the case.

They should however, never be painful. They are fitted by taking plaster molds of your teeth and gums and should have the correct fit which shouldn't be hurting your jaw. Dental appliances for sleep apnea can effectively stop your snoring, and allow you to lead a healthier life, not to mention encourage a better attitude for both you and your partner.

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